Schools and Nurseries

Call us now on 0800 320 2037 to arrange for your Legionella testing kit to be sent out.

Our video demonstrates how easy it is to use one of our Legionella testing kits.

Why is the risk of legionella bacteria higher with older schools?

Schools, particularly those with older facilities, often have a significant amount of pipework which can lead to a higher risk of deadlegs, where stagnant water can accumulate and become a perfect breeding ground for legionella bacteria.

Unfortunately with the numbers of children attending schools and nurseries, suffering from bronchitic conditions (asthma) increasing, it makes them vulnerable to infections affecting the lungs.

How do I comply with the HSE’s Approved Code of Practice (ACOP)?

The HSE’s Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) gives practical advice on the control of legionella in water systems (L8). Detailling the specific checks that are required on Hot and cold Water systems, particularly tasks relating to flushing infrequently used outlets and monitoring of water temperatures. You should flush the taps and showers regularly, particularly during the school holidays.

Who is most at risk of contracting Legionnaires’ Disease?

People that are at risk of contracting Legionnaires’ Disease are those who: Have weakened or supressed immune systems, due to age or certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy or following organ transplantation; Have heart conditions or bronchitic synonyms, including asthma; Smoke or have alcohol or drug dependency problems.

At some time or another, you will almost certainly have patients visiting the practice who fall into the ‘at risk’ categories for contracting Legionnaires’ Disease.

Where does Legionella bacteria come from and what causes it to grow?

Legionella bacteria are naturally found in the environment, usually in ponds, streams and reservoirs. Small but not dangerous numbers can be found int the hot and cold supply.

Poor temperature control within a water system, deadlegs in pipework and taps and showers that are infrequently used and not regularly flushed, can cause the bacteria to grow very quickly. At this point, there is a real risk of people contracting Legionnaires’ Disease.


Safewater Solutions Ltd
139 Victoria Street


0800 320 2037



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